

Our objective is to help you Create the High Performance Sales Environment®. This blog is dedicated to helping Sales Executives, Sales Managers, Sellers, and Channel Managers resolve the field issues impacting them. So let's get to it!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Adventace Adds Key "Opportunity Management" Component to "Winning Major Opportunities" Seminar

Adventace successfully added an important "Opportunity Management" component to its flagship sales seminar, Winning Major Opportunities.  It shows account executives and sales management how to:
Use the Right Strategies and Tactics
to Win Major Opportunities
  • Assess and improve your ability to win the opportunity,
  • Identify and score all key buyers' Preference for you Vs. the competition, and how to improve their preference,
  • From six options, select the appropriate strategy to follow,  
  • How to then deploy the appropriate tactics to continuously improve your probability of winning, and
  • How to identify the personnel needed during the sell cycle, the timing of their need, and how to get management's full support for their utilization.
Here's a sample of the comments people made who attended a recent workshop:
A very good overview of how large opportunities need to be proactively managed and provides the tools we need to use daily.  
Very well done.  This will significantly impact my close ratio with major accounts.  
Very rarely do you attend training and have the ability to use it the next day.  I discovered several actionable things I can do immediately.  
The assessment piece will help me manage and control major account opportunities...for real!
Very helpful.  I will apply the principles across all opportunities, not just those from major accounts.
The material provides a very clear and organized process to navigate the complex sale.